Gimnazjum Łódzkiego Stowarzyszenia Oświatowego

LSO School (The Lodz Educational Associationl) is not a public/state school, but a state-accredited one run by a non-profit foundation. It was founded in 1989. It comprises a primary school (pupils aged from 6 or 7 to 12 or 13 years) and a junior high school called in Polish ‘gimnazjum’ (from 13 to 16 years). The school is situated on the outskirts of Lodz.

The school has over 250 children including 63 students in the junior high school. They live in the city of Lodz and the surrounding towns and villages. The staff of the school consists of 41 teachers. The school creates a pleasant, private and special family atmosphere as each class includes not more than 16 children. All the students learn English as their first foreign language and French or German as the second one. What is a great plus in our school is the small number of students in science lessons; they usually learn physics, biology, chemistry and IT in groups of up to 8 students
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